TalkShoe Company Blog

TalkShoe's website allows you to create and participate in multi-person live interactive podcasts and voice discussions. People use our system for discussion groups, talk shows, friends and family calls, and the like. We call these Talkcasts.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

TalkShoe Introduces "TalkShoe Cash" Program

TalkShoe has introduced its TalkShoe Cash™ program which pays people to host podcasts (Talkcasts™), and to refer hosts. Users are paid for creating podcasts as well as for the number of people who listen to, download, or subscribe to their Talkcasts. In addition, people are paid to refer hosts.

TalkShoe Cash Program details
Hosts are paid up to $5.00for each Talkcast episode created (up to 10 episodes) plus up to $4.00 for every 100 times people listen to, download or podcast.

People who refer hosts are paid 25% over and above each host’s earnings.


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